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Improve the effectiveness of the old computer, into a network Marketing Robot

If you have an old computer, don't rush to retire it; you can transform it into a network marketing robot , creating more opportunities to reach customers and increase sales. Please follow the suggestions below to clean and reorganize the computer to extend its service life.

Automated network marketing robot
  1. LINE automated marketing robot
  2. Facebook automated marketing robot
  3. Instagram automated marketing robot
  4. WeChat automated marketing robot
  5. QQ automated marketing robot
  6. WhatsApp automated marketing robot

Remove Dust

The components inside the computer generate heat due to processing, so they are equipped with fans and heat sinks to dissipate heat into the air or metal casing. However, over time, a lot of dust accumulates, which can severely affect heat dissipation and cause components to stop working or even fail, requiring replacement.

Regularly cleaning dust is very important! However, do not use a damp cloth to wipe; moisture can cause rust or short circuits. The recommended method is to open the case and use a vacuum cleaner along with a brush (paintbrush or barbecue brush can be used) to sweep up the dust and have the vacuum cleaner remove it.

Remember to unplug the power cord before removing dust!

Remove Unnecessary Software

Keep only the software you use, uninstall or remove everything else. If you are unsure whether you will use a particular software, it is recommended to first remove the software you are clear about, then search for the rest on Google to find out what it is used for, and decide whether to remove it.

If you can reinstall the operating system or if you have a restore disc or restore mechanism that lets you return to factory settings, this is a one-time solution, but it can be time-consuming. If you have enough time, go ahead and reinstall!

Delete Unused Fonts

To make the old computer run faster, the basic principle is to delete what is not used to speed up the computer's execution efficiency, so please delete unused fonts.

Disable and Delete Restore Files

The Windows restore mechanism can slow down the hard disk speed, and you only need to keep the initial restore file (there are many backup and restore software available on the market; if you bought a brand computer, you should also have a restore disc or built-in restore function). At the same time, deleting Windows restore files can free up some hard disk space.

Disable Hardware Checks

Some brand computers come with built-in software that periodically performs hardware checks. It is recommended that you disable or remove these programs. Old computers are likely out of warranty, and if the hardware fails, don't worry; you will know.

Update Windows to the Latest Version

Please ensure all Windows updates are installed online to eliminate any security vulnerabilities.

Disable Regular Checks and Updates in Windows

After completely updating Windows, disable the regular checks and updates feature, as it can unexpectedly occupy resources in the background and also extend your boot and shutdown times. Therefore, disable the scheduled function and update manually when necessary.

Update Drivers to the Latest Version

If possible, visit the official websites of the hardware components and update their drivers to the latest version. Although you have an old computer, many drivers may have updates that you weren't notified about. Updating them will improve hardware performance and fix any issues that might have existed.

Turn Off Automatic Updates for All Software

After keeping the necessary software, check each software to see if it has an automatic update feature. Disable automatic updates to prevent these programs from updating secretly in the background, as sometimes failed updates will pop up and disrupt other running software.

Disable Windows Background Scheduled Tasks

Check Windows background scheduled tasks to see if some programs are secretly updating in the background, using up your hardware resources and slowing down your computer.

Clear Unnecessary Startup Programs During Boot

Some software starts automatically during boot; remove unnecessary startup items to speed up boot time.

Disable Screen Saver

To be honest, screen savers are just decorative and do not help performance at all. You can set the display to turn off after a few minutes instead; this is more energy-efficient.

Disable Scheduled Disk Defragmentation Tasks

Disk defragmentation can be scheduled for specific dates and times. Please disable the scheduled tasks to avoid sudden disk defragmentation while important software is running.

Update to the Latest Virus Definitions and Perform a Thorough Virus Scan

If you have antivirus software installed, it is recommended that you perform a thorough virus scan after updating to the latest virus definitions. You might find that your computer has already been infected.

Disable Scheduled Virus Scans

Each antivirus software is pre-set to schedule regular virus scans of the hard disk. Please disable this; if you need to scan for viruses, you can do it manually when you have time.

Add Frequently Used Programs to the Antivirus Exclusion List

Please set programs that you will frequently use in the future to the antivirus exclusion list. These programs are familiar to you and are clean and safe; putting them in the exclusion list can help them run faster.

Switch Desktop to a Solid Color

The computer desktop should use the least resource-consuming solid color; for the convenience of remote management, I prefer a completely black desktop.

Turn Off All Visual Effects

Visual effects are for aesthetics; for a Marketing Robot, visual effects only occupy computer resources, so turn them all off.

Clean Up the Computer Desktop

Having too many files or folders on the computer desktop can also reduce performance. Keep only the files that you will use in the future; move all other files to other folders.

Turn Off Sound Effects

Turn off the computer's sound effects; sound effects are for people to hear. If you want to elevate the old computer to be a Marketing Robot, it’s like Foxconn's robot factories that work in the dark (robots don’t need lights to work). Save the effort to run sound files for playback!

Disable Bluetooth and Other Unused Communication Interfaces

If you are going to become a robot, disable all unused communication interfaces, such as Bluetooth, infrared, wireless or wired networks (you should only use one), fingerprint recognition, etc. This can save power and free up memory resources.

Install Remote Connection Software

After installing remote connection software, you can connect to observe and control your computer robot from anywhere with internet access. You can also unplug the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, as they are not needed for remote connection!

Perform Disk Cleanup

After removing unnecessary software or fonts, perform disk cleanup to get rid of all digital garbage. You will find that there are so many unnecessary files occupying your hard disk space.

Perform Disk Defragmentation

Perform disk defragmentation on each hard disk partition; this can improve data access speed and make the computer faster.


After completing all the above steps, don’t forget to restart the computer once. This will not only ensure that the computer is still functioning normally, but it will also release some memory resources.

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