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Basic Principles of Game Live Broadcast Platforms

  1. Do not play videos for long periods or play games in a picture-in-picture format without real-time interaction with viewers. Streaming videos or game play for too long (over 10 minutes) without interaction will make the broadcast unengaging. However, sharing some short clips for interaction is perfectly fine; the time management should be up to the broadcaster.
  2. Do not engage in lengthy phone calls or do other activities unrelated to the live broadcast.
  3. If you need to leave the video screen for a long time, please remember to turn off the live stream first.
  4. In short, when going live, remember that you are broadcasting to an audience, and there are many viewers watching you, rather than just focusing on your own activities. New visitors will be confused about what you are doing and won't stay long in the stream, let alone become your fans.

Regulations for Taiwanese Live Broadcast Platforms

  1. Smoking, drug use, and drinking are prohibited during the live broadcast.
  2. Verbal attacks, pornography, political content, indecent, and vulgar remarks are prohibited during the live broadcast.
  3. Promotion of external video software or other voice software in text or audio form is prohibited during the live broadcast.
  4. Dress should be neat and clean during the live broadcast; nudity or overly revealing clothing (such as bikinis, underwear, etc.) is not allowed on screen; wearing political organization uniforms is also prohibited.
  5. Only playing movies, TV shows, or other recorded videos without personal interaction on screen is prohibited during the live broadcast.
  6. Singing or playing songs that contain sexual, violent, or politically sensitive content is prohibited during the live broadcast.
  7. Dangerous actions and the use of dangerous props (such as firearms, knives, etc.) are prohibited during the live broadcast.

Regulations for Mainland Chinese Live Broadcast Platforms

Involvement in Sexual Conduct

  1. Mutual sexual provocation or behavior between individuals is strictly prohibited, such as touching sensitive areas, performing actions that provoke sexual fantasies, or any form of touching while on the bed.
  2. It is strictly prohibited to expose sensitive body parts with sexual characteristics in various ways, such as showing female breasts, male and female buttocks, inner thighs, and genitals, or wearing see-through clothing.
  3. Live broadcasts of games, recordings, images, or instructional content that contain sexual or suggestive content are strictly prohibited.

Harmful Behavior

  1. Malicious violations with harmful consequences are strictly prohibited.
  2. Displaying firearms (including toy guns), controlled knives, or performing high-risk actions, such as shaking controlled knives, firearms, or high-simulation firearms, is prohibited.
  3. Performing acts that endanger the safety of others, such as beating someone or threatening others with knives, is prohibited.
  4. Drug trafficking is strictly prohibited, including displaying drug samples, demonstrating drug use or injection, and explaining the drug manufacturing process.
  5. Promoting pyramid schemes, deceiving users to join pyramid organizations, or organizing pyramid schemes is strictly prohibited.
  6. Performing acts that endanger one's own safety, such as suicide or self-harm, is strictly prohibited.
  7. Encouraging, enticing, or teaching others to use drugs or engage in drug-related content, including explaining the drug manufacturing process, is prohibited.
  8. Other politically sensitive, sexually suggestive, illegal, infringing, or life-threatening performances are strictly prohibited.
  9. Broadcasters are prohibited from using gambling tools, sexual products, underwear, or other inappropriate items as performance props.
  10. Personal attacks on other broadcasters in the live stream, such as malicious insults, defamation, or harassment, are strictly prohibited.
  11. Organizing disruptions in other rooms or maliciously reporting other rooms in a coordinated manner is strictly prohibited.
  12. Using plugins or other auxiliary tools to increase popularity, bot activity, or inflate props, and buying fake popularity is strictly prohibited.
  13. Minors are prohibited from initiating live broadcasts.
  14. Playing content that has been explicitly banned by administrators is prohibited.
  15. Performing other types of violations against Bilibili broadcaster regulations is strictly prohibited.
  16. Streaming movies, TV shows, competitions, or other copyrighted content, as well as unauthorized works or content not owned by the broadcaster, is strictly prohibited.
  17. Broadcasters are strictly prohibited from engaging in dual or triple broadcasts.
  18. Broadcasters are strictly prohibited from using profanity or insults continuously.
  19. Inappropriate or vulgar makeup is strictly prohibited.
  20. Any form of advertising for training services, plugins, or other ads that disrupt platform fairness is strictly prohibited.

Content Regulations

  1. Harassment or mockery for personal or organizational purposes through online calls is strictly prohibited.
  2. Singing or playing music with sexual or suggestive content is strictly prohibited; this includes songs with moaning or sexually violent lyrics, and ear-licking.
  3. Smoking or drinking during live broadcasts is strictly prohibited, as well as exhibiting drunken behavior or sleeping while intoxicated.
  4. Performing acts that are sexually provocative in nature is strictly prohibited.
  5. Other types of performances that violate the relevant order regulations of the live broadcast community are strictly prohibited.
  6. Performing pole dancing is strictly prohibited.
  7. Performing various provocative acts in bed is strictly prohibited.
  8. Streaming games, recordings, images, or instructional content with sexual or suggestive content is strictly prohibited.
  9. Other vulgar performances are strictly prohibited.
  10. Playing banned videos, games, or songs during video live streams is strictly prohibited.

Action Regulations

  1. Performing content that incites sexual desire, leads ordinary people to corruption or degeneration without any artistic value is strictly prohibited.
  2. Imitating vulgar or sexual actions, sounds, or performing suggestive acts is strictly prohibited, including but not limited to striptease.
  3. Deliberately focusing the camera on sensitive sexual areas, or performing suggestive touching or tugging motions with props to draw attention to sensitive areas is strictly prohibited.
  4. Using props to imitate vulgar, sexual, or suggestive actions during performances is strictly prohibited.
  5. Using sexual products or other suggestive items as performance props is prohibited.
  6. Broadcasters are not allowed to film sensitive areas from above (such as the chest) or from below (such as legs and buttocks).
  7. Performing suggestive actions such as touching, pulling, licking, or hitting with sexual implications, or using props to draw attention to sensitive areas is strictly prohibited, as is using sensitive body parts in games, including but not limited to: guessing the color of underwear, guessing the color of bras, cutting stockings, and live streaming putting on or taking off stockings.
  8. Disseminating or indirectly transmitting obscene or pornographic information, or performing obscene or pornographic acts, including but not limited to disseminating erotic games, anime, videos, images, or websites is strictly prohibited.
  9. Engaging in mutual sexual provocation performances or acts with others, such as touching sensitive areas, performing actions that evoke sexual fantasies, or any form of touching while on the bed is strictly prohibited.
  10. Displaying content that includes but is not limited to sexual conduct and exposing sensitive body parts with sexual characteristics is strictly prohibited, such as showing female breasts, male and female buttocks, inner thighs, genitals, or wearing see-through clothing.

Exposure and Dress Regulations

  1. Males are strictly prohibited from being bare-chested, and females are prohibited from intentionally exposing cleavage or breasts.
  2. Females must not expose more than two-thirds of their upper back, meaning above the waistline.
  3. Females must wear bottoms that reach above the pelvis, and low-rise bottoms must not fall below the navel; the hem of skirts or shorts must not exceed the line below the buttocks.
  4. The exposed area of females' breasts must not exceed one-third of the breast, and tops must not fall below one-third of the breast area.
  5. Wearing sexy uniforms, lingerie, revealing clothing, see-through clothing, flesh-colored bodysuits, or wearing underwear outside is strictly prohibited.
  6. Female broadcasters’ clothing must not be overly revealing, and they must not intentionally expose their bras or panties.
  7. Male broadcasters are not allowed to wear only briefs, boxers, or similar underwear-like clothing, and tight pants during the broadcast, and the waistband must not fall below the hip bone.
  8. Non-government personnel are strictly prohibited from wearing uniforms of state agencies (including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan), military uniforms, or other uniforms while live streaming, including police uniforms, military uniforms, commercial uniforms, prosecutor uniforms, court uniforms, urban management uniforms, and road administration uniforms.
  9. Wearing excessively revealing clothing during performances is strictly prohibited (including but not limited to: low-cut tops, underwear, three-piece swimsuits, wearing only tube tops, flesh-colored bodysuits, triangular jeans, and bottoms shorter than one-third of the thigh length).

Speech Regulations

  1. Expressions against the party and government, or acts of insulting or defaming the party and country, and actions that harm social order and public morals are strictly prohibited.
  2. Violations of the basic principles established by the constitution are prohibited.
  3. Harming national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, or destroying national unity is prohibited.
  4. Disrupting national religious policies, promoting cults, and superstitions are prohibited.
  5. Harming national honor and interests is prohibited.
  6. Inciting ethnic hatred, discrimination, or undermining national unity is prohibited.
  7. Spreading rumors, disturbing social order, or undermining social stability is prohibited.
  8. Spreading violence, terrorism, or inciting crime is prohibited.
  9. Inciting illegal gatherings, associations, marches, demonstrations, or disturbing social order is prohibited.
  10. Deliberate imitation of various sexual suggestive sounds is strictly prohibited.
  11. Deliberately making vulgar or sexual remarks and leading lowbrow interactions within the stream is strictly prohibited.
  12. Promoting other audio and video platforms in any form, including text, audio, and images, is strictly prohibited.
  13. Broadcasters must not use seductive or provocative sounds or language to attract viewers, including but not limited to the use of direct or indirect suggestive words.
  14. Continuous use of profanity and insults is strictly prohibited.
  15. Discussing sensitive topics and spreading negative emotions, such as expressing glee over disasters or incidents, violates humanitarian principles and moral boundaries.
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