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All Methods to Change Your Internet IP

When using internet marketing robots, the prevention mechanisms of social platforms such as LINE, Facebook, Instagram, QQ, WhatsApp, and WeChat may affect our marketing continuity. In this case, changing your IP address can reset the prevention mechanisms and restrictions, allowing you to continue your marketing work. Below are several methods we've compiled for changing your IP address, hoping to be of help to you.

First, Know Your Current IP Address

First, we need to know our current IP address on the internet. You can click the button below to find out your current IP address.

Check Your Current IP Address

Method 1: Chunghwa Telecom ATU-R Timed Reconnection

If you are using Chunghwa Telecom ADSL or Fiber broadband with dynamic IP addresses, you can obtain a new assigned IP address by reconnecting. Before using this method, please ensure that your computer is directly connected to the Chunghwa Telecom modem (Modem/ATU-R) via an Ethernet cable. If there is a wireless router in between, please use the PPPoE Relay function built into the router.

How to Set PPPoE Relay in ASUS Router

Tip 1: Power Off and Restart ADSL ATU-R

Turn off and then turn on the power of the Chunghwa Telecom modem (Modem/ATU-R) or router. Wait a few seconds to a few minutes, and your ISP will assign you a new dynamic IP address.


Tip 2: Use Command Line Tools

Use the command line tool called 'ipconfig,' which is available in all versions of Microsoft Windows. To do this, click Start -> Run, type 'cmd.exe,' then type 'ipconfig/release,' and then 'ipconfig/renew.' Wait a few seconds to a few minutes and then check if your IP has changed.

Tip 3: Timed Reconnection with IP Router

If you are using an IP router, you can check in the router's backend interface to see if you can set a timed reconnection option. When the IP router reconnects, the IP address will be reconfigured, resulting in a new IP address.

IP Router

Tip 4: Built-in Reconnection in Marketing Robot Software

If you are using our marketing robot, you can input the connection details for your fixed-line telecom provider, such as Chunghwa Telecom, and the robot software will automatically reconnect during operation to obtain a new IP address.


Method 2: 4G Mobile Internet

Switch your smartphone to Airplane mode, wait about 10 seconds, then turn off Airplane mode to check if the IP address has changed.

4G Mobile Internet

Method 3: Proxy Server

Proxy server software can help you access blocked websites and protect your online privacy. It works by using a proxy to change your IP address, so the website sees the proxy's IP address as your own. Proxy software is a tool used for testing and utilizing proxy lists. It can test the details of HTTP proxies, including speed, anonymity, country/region, gateway, SSL/HTTPS, danger, and Google functionality, and change the proxy settings for web browsers like IE, Firefox, and Chrome.

Elite Proxy Switcher

Method 4: VPN (Virtual Private Network)

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, a common communication method used to connect private networks between medium to large enterprises or organizations. It uses tunneling protocols to achieve security for confidential communication, authentication of the sending end, and message integrity.

Generally, when you try to access a website online, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) receives the request and redirects you to your target. As your internet traffic passes through your ISP, they can see everything you do online. Additionally, they can track your behavior and may even share your browsing history with advertisers, government agencies, and other third parties.

This is where VPNs come into play. They redirect your internet traffic to a specially configured VPN server, hiding your IP address and encrypting all data sent or received. For anyone intercepting this encrypted data, it is essentially gibberish, making it unreadable.

Install VPN software, such as OpenVPN, Surfshark VPN, NordVPN, etc., choose a VPN provider, and when you use a VPN, you can easily change your online IP address.


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