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Benefits of Live Online Classes

Game Live Streaming Leads the Trend

The trend of online live streaming initially emerged from the gaming industry, developing into new terminology in the esports field. Users can watch strategies and gameplay techniques from players and other gamers in real-time using smart mobile devices. They can also observe unique techniques and commentary from renowned game experts and even chat interactively via text or voice with other viewers, highlighting the immediate and interactive characteristics of online streaming while opening up business opportunities in gaming and sports events.

Communities Provide Live Streaming Platforms

The year 2006 marked the onset of live streaming, with major social platforms enabling users and internet celebrities to use live streaming functions. Live videos started to appear in large quantities on Facebook and YouTube, and users gradually became accustomed to receiving first-hand information through live streaming, eliminating the previous inconvenience of having to be present or wait in front of a television for a live broadcast. They can now watch live programs anytime and anywhere by simply using their computers or mobile devices.

Live Streaming Becomes Mainstream

As users increasingly accept live streaming, the content of live broadcasts is becoming more diverse. In addition to sports events, gaming, and internet celebrity live streams, the trend of educational live streaming is also disrupting traditional teaching models.

Challenges of Traditional Teaching

Familiar teaching scenarios typically occur in physical classrooms, campuses, or students' homes, requiring students and teachers to be in the same space at the same time to conduct lessons. Therefore, the number of students a teacher can reach in a limited time is very restricted.

Moreover, whether teachers travel to students' homes or students go to tutoring centers, both parties must spend time commuting. Currently, many tutoring centers exhibit regional localization, mainly offering classes near elementary and middle schools or residential areas. However, high school and university tutoring centers or specialized language tutoring centers still cluster in urban centers, making commuting time and peak-hour congestion a nightmare for students whose schools, homes, or workplaces are not in nearby areas.

Advantages of Live Streaming Teaching

Live streaming teaching saves commuting time, allowing students to receive assistance at home through online streaming after school. Parents can better understand their children's learning status and easily track their progress. The flexibility to choose the location of classes is the most direct advantage of live education, saving commuting costs. Although public transportation is quite convenient now, for students who frequently attend tutoring or live in less accessible areas, commuting costs can still add up.

Impact of Declining Birth Rates on Tutoring Centers

The decline in birth rates has significantly reduced the number of students, leaving many tutoring centers facing insufficient enrollment. Past large classes are gradually becoming smaller classes. Even if tutoring centers reduce their rental spaces or the number of hired teachers, tuition income shrinks while expenses like rent, salaries for renowned teachers, and utilities may not decrease. The increased marketing expenses and various discounts offered to attract more students have substantially compressed the profit margins of traditional tutoring centers.

Development of Live Streaming Teaching

Live streaming education utilizes well-known portal websites as platforms, providing significant exposure due to the vast user traffic of these portals. Currently, YouTube has become the preferred platform for many courses to go online.

Furthermore, most portal websites provide technical support for producing live streaming videos, lowering the costs and barriers for recording and uploading live courses, making it very friendly for tutoring centers or individual teachers to conduct live teaching.

From the students' perspective, live streaming portal websites, such as the integrated LOL learning platform, allow them to easily see all available live courses. Some live courses even offer trial sessions, enabling users to assess quality without visiting the tutoring center. Users can also reference the popularity or purchase rates of live courses to evaluate course quality.

Many educational associations frequently hold online educational live seminars, allowing students who cannot attend in person to participate online in the latest seminars simultaneously. Live streaming is gradually being explored in the education sector, offering direct access to learning users by professionals with expertise; anyone with professional skills or knowledge can launch a live course online. Moreover, many experienced teachers can earn higher incomes through live streaming than in the past, promoting famous teachers to attract students to purchase courses by branding themselves.

Changes in Teaching and Operational Models

Internet celebrities are no longer limited to esports, models, and bloggers; the economy of celebrity teachers is also on the rise. The impact of live streaming on education not only changes teaching scenarios but also affects traditional educational teaching and operational models. As users gradually become familiar with the learning styles and interaction mechanisms of live streaming, it can be anticipated that a wave of transformation in service models will emerge in the future.

The internet is an important avenue for live educational training and has been widely applied in educational training. However, some people still do not fully understand the education live streaming industry. What are the benefits of training live streaming?

In traditional training, the biggest expense burden is the teaching venue, followed by training costs and other items. By using training live streaming, you can save most of the venue expenses and invest funds into the critical cost of training instructors, making training courses more attractive and competitive.

Moreover, live streaming breaks the limitations of space and geography, making training activities safer and more flexible, addressing practical challenges faced in offline training, such as dispersed school layouts and difficult communication. When problems arise, users can also ask questions at any time, and teachers can engage the audience in the live streaming environment.

Teachers can choose to conduct live teaching in the live streaming module, or they can conduct open classes. In open classes, students can participate for free or pay; students can become paying members or pay per course for training courses. If students have questions, they can ask them at any time, and teachers can answer them on the spot. Teachers can also adjust the key points of the next class based on student feedback to enhance user experience.

The live streaming module is based on the LOL learning online platform, allowing users to watch live without downloading an app, just by following a link, greatly improving user experience.

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