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Seven Steps to Writing Great Copy

Step 1

Become an Expert on the Product or Service You Plan to Sell

When I thoroughly researched every aspect of the product or service, I got more great ideas than from any other source.

Step 2

Know Your Target Customer

You may become an expert on the product or service you’re selling, but if you don’t know your customer, you’re in a bad position. What can motivate your potential customers to become your actual customers? Who is your typical customer? Understanding this will broaden your view and inspire many good ideas.

Step 3

Write Your Headline and Subheadline

They must grab the reader’s attention and create enough curiosity to get the reader to start reading the first sentence. I like short headlines, like “Visual Breakthrough,” “Portable Civil Band Radio,” “Pocket Yellow Pages”—all of these are precise but create enough curiosity for the reader to read the subheadline. The subheadline should be around 16 words, and the first sentence should be as short as possible.

Step 4

Write the Copy

Don’t worry about sentence structure, grammar, or punctuation—just start writing and keep writing. Put all your ideas down on the computer without worrying about making any mistakes. The key is to get everything in your head out about the subject. Whether you’re writing with a pen or on a typewriter, pour the same passion into it. However, if you’re writing on a computer, you have more freedom, especially during the editing phase.

Step 5

Edit the Copy

Go through the copy, correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Remove unnecessary words that do not relate to conveying your ideas. Make the copy concise.

Step 6

Let It Simmer

Stop editing, set the text aside, and take a walk or do something else that’s enjoyable. You’ll be surprised by the benefits of stepping away from the text. If you can leave it until the next day, even better. The longer the simmer, the better the results.

Step 7

Review Your Copy One Last Time

You’ll be surprised to find there are still many things that need revision in this final look, many areas that need tightening. Of course, you can simply repeat steps five and six, editing until you’re satisfied with the result.

These seven steps summarize what you need to go through as a copywriter when writing copy. It’s really that simple. If you learn these principles of copywriting, each time you do it, you’ll get better. I guarantee it.

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