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LINE Privacy Friend Settings

Using the LINE communication app, sometimes unknown people send advertisement messages. What can you do to prevent this? A new friend says they sent me a message, but I never received it. Let's learn about the privacy settings provided by LINE.

1. Useful Settings in the "Friends" Category

Go to the settings and select "Friends" to see "Add Friends" and "Allow to Be Added as a Friend."

"Add Friends" simply means "how you want to add others." If you enable it, your contacts from your "phone contact list" will appear in your LINE friend list under "People You May Know." This option is more suitable for users who have imported all their friends' phone numbers into their phone contact list and hope that those who have LINE will be automatically displayed for easier addition.

If you disable "Add Friends," your LINE contacts from your "phone contact list" will not appear in your LINE. This is suitable for users who have imported all their friends' phone numbers into their contact list but prefer to only add LINE contacts as needed, rather than having them all show up.

As for "Allow to Be Added as a Friend," this simply means "how you want others to add you." If you enable it, when others input your phone number into their phone contact list, your LINE will appear in their LINE, suitable for users who prefer direct contact via LINE and want others to find their LINE by adding their phone number.

If you disable "Allow to Be Added as a Friend," you can prevent others from finding your LINE simply by adding your phone number to their contact list. This is suitable for users who dislike being added by strangers or advertisements and prefer to add only those they are familiar with.

2. Useful Functions in "Privacy Settings"

After entering the settings, make good use of the options in "Privacy Settings," such as "Allow ID to Add Friends," "Block Messages," and "Allow Friend Invitations."

If you enable "Allow ID to Add Friends," others can find your LINE by searching for your ID. This is suitable for users who see their LINE as a commonly used contact method, even printing the ID on business cards.

If you disable "Allow ID to Add Friends," others can only add you through other methods, such as scanning a QR code. This is suitable for users who prefer to keep their ID private and do not want to be easily found.

What happens if you enable "Block Messages"? Before both parties have added each other as friends, any messages sent will be "unseen" by the other party. This is suitable for users who are troubled by unknown people adding them and sending messages.

Conversely, if you disable "Block Messages," any messages sent will be "seen" by the other party before both have added each other as friends. This situation is suitable for users who need to frequently add LINE contacts and fear missing messages from those who add them first.

As for "Allow Friend Invitations," if enabled, it allows others to add you as a friend through public posts in dynamic messages. If your dynamic message is set to "public to everyone," but you do not want others to add you based on seeing the post, you can disable this setting.

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