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Know LINE Marketing

LINE has 18 million users in Taiwan, and nearly 80% of Taiwanese people use LINE as their primary communication tool. LINE differs from Facebook in its origin; Facebook started as a way to build social networks within university campuses, allowing people to get to know each other and make more friends. LINE, on the other hand, started as an instant messaging service, initially replacing paid text messaging and later introducing free stickers, chatting, video calls, and other tools. However, social interaction is relatively unfamiliar for LINE; you must find friends to add as LINE contacts, and LINE will not recommend friends to you like Facebook does. Therefore, the first thing you need to do when using LINE for marketing is to figure out how to add unfamiliar friends.

2A3R Classic Rules of Online Marketing

Before adding friends, let's take a look at the well-known 2A3R rules of online marketing. The 2A3R rules consist of five main steps. First is "Acquisition" — you must become friends with someone in LINE (starting with strangers). Then, you should spark curiosity and initiate a conversation; this is "Activation." Some friends will be interested, while others will not; you must find a way to retain the interested friends, which is "Retention." As you interact with these friends over time (greeting, caring, and sharing), you will gradually build trust, allowing you to introduce marketing and achieve "Revenue." People prefer to buy from those they trust. Once friends become customers, they become the best living advertisements and testimonials, and through incentives for repurchases and recommendations, customers will bring more customers to you; this is "Referral." By continuously following these five steps, success will be closer to you!

Register a LINE Account

To use LINE, you must first register one or more LINE accounts. It is recommended to separate personal and work accounts. Marketing involves risks, so please create a new LINE account specifically for marketing; do not use your personal account for marketing.

You can register a LINE account using two identities: the first is a mobile phone number. You can apply for a mobile phone and use this number to register a LINE account. Many people use prepaid cards, but individual applications for prepaid cards may have a limit on the number of cards, so be sure to inquire clearly. The second way is to register with a Facebook account; you can use your email to register a Facebook account and then use that account to apply for the LINE account. Please note that you can apply for a maximum of two Facebook accounts per day.

Start Adding Friends

Purchase LINE Automated Add Friends Robot

Now that you have a LINE account, the next step is to increase your friends. A single LINE account can have a maximum of 5,000 friends, and the more LINE accounts you have, the larger your potential market becomes. You can set your user ID or allow others to add you with your phone number, or provide a friend request link or QR code for friends to add you. However, these methods only allow you to add people you know, and the speed of adding friends is slow. If we want to use LINE for marketing, adding strangers is necessary. The more people you add, the more exposure you gain, making the speed of adding friends crucial!

Where Do Friends Come From?

Subscribe to Extraction Service

How can we add so many strangers? The most effective way is through the "extraction service." We use data mining and mining techniques to search for and filter friend lists for you, making it easy to add friends from the cloud. Currently, there are over 3 million friend contacts in the cloud. Just subscribe to the extraction service, set your search criteria, and you can add friends 24/7, expanding your network and reaching more potential customers!

First Exposure

The act of adding friends is referred to as "first exposure." When you add someone as a friend, they will see your profile picture, homepage photo, name, and status message. By cleverly utilizing these four exposure messages, you can attract the other party to agree to add you as a friend, enabling further interaction.

Of course, some people create a large number of LINE accounts and fill them with friends but do not care about interaction; they only hope to spread advertisements through exposure, guiding potential customers to join another LINE account, call service numbers, or browse official websites for marketing purposes.

Marketing Methods

Once you have a full list of friends (5,000), the next step is to build relationships with them. You must attract these people to come closer, just like a magnet. Not every one of your 5,000 friends will be interested in you, but at least you have established a channel to reach 5,000 people, which is not easy. Imagine how much time and effort traditional marketing methods would require to reach 5,000 people through flyers or phone calls. The advantage of LINE marketing is that it allows you to quickly access a large number of potential customers at a relatively low cost.

Common Marketing Strategies for Friends

1. Mass Exposure

Subscribe to Extraction Service

"Mass exposure" refers to simply adding friends for exposure, repeatedly adding and removing friends, focusing solely on first exposure in hopes of reaching (exposing) the most customers in a short period, which is especially helpful for increasing brand awareness.

When you purchase the LINE Auto Add Friends Robot and subscribe to the extraction service, you can use the mass exposure function, which can operate 24 hours a day, significantly increasing your business or product service's visibility and popularity.

Purchase Mass Exposure Advertising

If you do not have time to use the robot for mass exposure, you can directly purchase mass exposure advertising from us, and we will place the ads for you.

2. Join Groups

Subscribe to Extraction Service

Once you have friends, create a LINE group and invite friends to join; this is called "second exposure." Groups are like attending a party where everyone can discuss topics of mutual interest, sharing opinions. Inviting people to join a group also helps filter friends; if someone hasn’t joined the group after a long time, you may consider canceling their invitation or even removing them as friends to inject new friends and increase group interaction opportunities.

Each group can hold a maximum of 500 people. You can use the LINE Automated Add Friends Robot’s extraction service value-added feature to automatically add friends to groups.

3. Send Messages to Friends

Purchase LINE Auto Broadcast Robot

Prepare text, images, or videos to send to your LINE friends; this is "third exposure," referred to as "intense exposure." Unlike the first exposure of adding friends and the second exposure of adding groups, intense exposure forces the other party to view the messages you send, similar to sending a text message to a friend. Therefore, "intense exposure" is currently the most effective method with the highest open rate.

After adding a lot of friends, sending messages to them is the fastest method, but it also carries the highest risk. If someone reports you, you could be penalized. So, it is recommended not to rush to send advertising messages unless you know how to produce many LINE accounts quickly.

Teacher Mantou says: "Time can cultivate trust."

It’s advisable to occasionally send greetings or caring messages to gradually bridge the gap between you and your friends. If the other party adds you as a friend, they cannot report you, and the advertising messages you send won’t be reported either. Therefore, if you want to send messages to friends, make sure to aim for building familiarity and resonance. Sending mass advertising messages can easily annoy friends (leading to reports against you) and scare them away (blocking you).

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