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XX Educational Institution

Intellectual Property Ownership and Confidentiality Agreement

The signer of this consent form agrees to participate in the (hereinafter referred to as the 'Tutoring Center') in the course teaching video recording work. The signer agrees that during their tenure, any course works or teaching content completed under the Tutoring Center's plan, as well as any business secrets obtained due to their position, shall be governed by the terms outlined herein.

Article 1

The signer agrees that the Tutoring Center may record course teaching content using video and live streaming as needed for operational requirements.

Article 2

The signer agrees that all intellectual property rights (including copyrights, patents, etc.) related to the course content, including teaching courses, video teaching, online live teaching, and any creations, are owned by the Tutoring Center, meaning that the Tutoring Center is the author or patent owner.

Article 3

The term 'business secrets' as used in this agreement refers to all relevant technologies, inventions, creations, materials, personnel, financials, marketing plans, customer data, operational strategies, important schedules, etc., whether oral, written, tangible, or intangible. Any information deemed confidential by the Tutoring Center or that could generally be considered confidential in business contexts.

Article 4

The signer guarantees to maintain confidentiality during and after their tenure and will not use or disclose the Tutoring Center's business secrets in any manner. The signer also agrees not to use such secrets for personal benefit or to engage in competitive actions that conflict with the interests of the Tutoring Center.

Article 5

If the signer receives any confidential documents or items, they shall take good care of them and assume the responsibilities of a diligent manager.

Article 6

If the signer violates the provisions of this agreement, the Tutoring Center may seek punitive damages of NT$ 1,000,000 from the signer.

Article 7

The duration of this agreement shall be the same as the tenure of the signer.

Article 8

The signer has an obligation to maintain confidentiality regarding information under the following conditions:

  1. All discussions, documents, records, images, manuscripts, programs, plans, databases, and other related materials regarding research projects conducted at the Tutoring Center, in any recorded form including text, sound, image, software, etc.
  2. Any content indicated by senior management of the Tutoring Center, whether orally or in writing, as requiring confidentiality.
  3. Content designated by senior management of the Tutoring Center for restricted access to specific individuals.
  4. Any information that has not been made public or cannot be obtained through legitimate means.

Article 9

For the information specified in the previous article, the signer may not:

  1. Provide, deliver, or in any way publicly disclose or leak to third parties without the prior written consent of the Tutoring Center, except for academic discussions permitted within the research team.
  2. Use the information for any work not specified or commissioned by the Tutoring Center.
  3. Copy, photograph, or reproduce all or part of the content by any other means.
  4. Provide the information to third parties for use or reference in any way that harms the interests of the Tutoring Center.

Article 10

During the duration of this plan, the signer may not engage in any research projects similar to or related to this plan without the prior written consent of the Tutoring Center.

Article 11

The signer's confidentiality obligations under this agreement shall remain in effect despite any change of company, workplace, or employment relationship.

Article 12

If the Tutoring Center discloses the results of research or technology secrets, the signer will also be released from the confidentiality obligation regarding those results.

Article 13

The signer agrees that during the participation in this plan, any ideas, concepts, discoveries, inventions, improvements, formulas, procedures, manufacturing techniques, writings, and related research and development results generated or created will be considered work-related achievements. Regardless of whether patents, copyrights, or other rights are obtained, any derived benefits will be governed by the 'Tutoring Center's Results Development Management Guidelines,' 'Tutoring Center's Copyright Management Guidelines,' and other relevant legal provisions.

Article 14

If the signer completes any patents or other works, whether related to their job or not, they must immediately notify the 'Tutoring Center' to confirm the ownership of rights. If the Tutoring Center finds it necessary to apply for or register the above creations for domestic or international rights, the signer agrees to assist the company without compensation.

Article 15

The signer guarantees that during the plan's duration, there will be no infringement of others' intellectual property rights or plagiarism of others' achievements or technologies. In the event of any illegal activities, the signer shall bear all related legal responsibilities. If the Tutoring Center faces litigation as a result, the signer shall assist the Tutoring Center in resolving the disputes and bear all damages.

Article 16

If the signer violates the provisions of this agreement, the Tutoring Center may seek damages, and the signer agrees to assume all related legal responsibilities.

Article 17

The validity and interpretation of this agreement shall follow the relevant laws of the Republic of China, and any disputes arising shall be governed by the Taichung District Court as the court of first instance.

Article 18

The signer has reviewed all terms of this agreement and hereby commits to and signs below:

Signer: (Signature or Seal)
ID Number:
Mailing Address:
Registered Address:

Date: Year Month Day

注意! 本文章由饅頭老師與藍眼知識學院創作,受智慧財產權法嚴格保護。未經書面授權擅自轉載或使用者,將依法追究法律責任,絕不寬貸。

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