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Fan Page

About Fan Pages

A fan page allows brands, businesses, organizations, and public figures to establish a presence on Facebook, while personal profiles represent individual users. Once users register an account and obtain roles like administrator or editor, they can create or help manage fan pages. Those who like the fan page and their friends can receive updates from that page in their news feed.

Like and Interact with Fan Pages

How to Like or Follow a Fan Page?

If you want to express support for a fan page and view its updates in your news feed, you can like that page.

If you just want to see updates from the fan page, you can follow it.

To like a fan page:

  1. Go to the fan page
  2. Click the "Like" button below the fan page cover photo.

When you like a fan page, you will automatically follow it, so you may see updates from that page in your news feed.

The fan pages you liked will be listed under the "About" section of your profile in the "Liked" content block. Posts from the fan pages you liked may appear in your news feed. You may also appear in ads related to the pages you liked.

To follow a fan page:

  1. Go to the fan page
  2. Click "Follow"

When you follow a fan page, you may see updates from that page in your news feed.

To view users or fan pages you follow:

  1. Go to your profile and click on "About"
  2. Scroll down to the Friends section and click "More" > "Following"

How Do I Un-like a Page?

To un-like a fan page:

  1. Click the fan page name in your news feed or search for the fan page to go to that page
  2. Hover over the "Liked" button below the fan page cover photo
  3. Select "Un-like" from the drop-down menu

How to Tag Users or Fan Pages in Photos?

You can tag users or fan pages in your own or others' photos, provided that the user or fan page allows others to tag them.

To tag users or fan pages in a photo:

  1. Click the photo to expand it
  2. Hover over the photo and click "Tag Photo" at the bottom of the photo
  3. Click on the person in the photo and start typing their name
  4. Select the name of the person or page you want to tag when it appears
  5. Click "Finish Tagging"

To tag users or fan pages in multiple photos within an album at once:

  1. Go to that album
  2. Click "Tag" in the upper right corner
  3. Enter the name of the user or fan page you want to tag
  4. Click on each photo where you want to tag that name
  5. Click "Save Tags" when finished
  6. Repeat this process for each user or fan page you want to tag

You can tag a maximum of 50 people or pages in a single photo.

Please note that when you tag someone in a photo, their friends can also see the photo, like it, or comment on it. Additionally, if the photo you tagged is not uploaded by a friend, the user who uploaded the photo will need to approve the tag.

How to Share a Fan Page with Friends?

To share a fan page with friends:

  1. Click "Share" below the fan page cover photo
  2. In the top drop-down menu, choose where you want to share the fan page (e.g., your news feed, a fan page you manage)
  3. Optionally write an update or message
  4. Click "Post" or "Send"

How to Post on a Fan Page and Who Can See These Posts?

Facebook fan pages are public spaces. Anyone who can see the fan page can see your posts and comments. When you post or comment on a fan page, the related dynamics will be posted to the news feed and other places on Facebook.

You will only see the option to post on fan pages that allow visitor posts.

To post on the fan page you are viewing:

  1. Enter your post in the text box at the top of the fan page's news feed
  2. In the upper right corner, click on your profile picture and choose to post as yourself or as the page you manage
  3. Click "Post"

How to Send a Private Message to a Fan Page?

You can only send private messages to fan pages that have messaging enabled. To send a private message to a fan page:

  1. Click "Send Message" below the fan page cover photo
  2. Type your message and press "Enter" to send it
  3. If you do not see the option to send a message to the fan page, it means that the fan page has disabled this feature. To contact a fan page with messaging disabled, you may try posting on their fan page.

How Can I View the Fan Page Version for My Country/Region?

Some global brands have launched exclusive versions of their fan pages for different regions. To switch the fan page version you are viewing:

  1. Click on the fan page cover photo
  2. Select "Switch Region"
  3. Choose your desired country/region as the default version for the fan page
  4. Click "Save Preferences"

The fan page version you choose will be the version you see in your news feed and will be displayed when browsing that fan page.

Please note that if you like a fan page while traveling, you may see updates in the language of the country/region you are visiting, and this setting will remain even after you return home. If you see posts from the fan page in a language that is not your preferred language or unrelated to your location, please follow the steps above to switch the displayed fan page version.

Privacy and Reporting

How to Choose Share Audience for Newly Added Content in the "About" Page?

The "About" page helps you share content you are interested in with other users, such as movies and books you've added, updates about the applications and games you use, and the content you have liked. If a user is the audience for the content or updates shared from applications and games you've added, they will be able to see the relevant content. You can edit the privacy of individual updates for each block or choose to completely hide the block.

To edit the privacy of the following items:

  • Your Added Content: After adding content like books or movies, you can use the audience selector to choose the audience. The selector will remember your choice, and unless you change it, all content you add (regardless of the block it belongs to) will have the same audience. You can change the audience for the content you've added from your activity log.
  • Your Liked Content: You can choose the audience for the liked content in each block (e.g., fan pages, music, and books). For example, to choose the users who can view the movies you've liked, scroll down to the "Movies" block, click the icon in the upper right corner, and select "Edit Privacy Settings." To choose the users who can view the pages you've liked, scroll down to the "Liked Content" block, click the icon in the upper right corner, and select "Edit Privacy for Liked Content."
  • Updates from Applications and Games: If you want to share updates from an application or game, you can adjust the audience for future updates or change the audience for specific updates from your activity log.

Please note that when you share content on your news feed, the audience you selected can also see this content in news feeds and other places on Facebook.

How to Block or Unblock a Fan Page?

Once you block a fan page, that page can no longer interact with your posts, like your content, or reply to your comments. You will not be able to post content on that page or send messages to that page. If you liked that page, blocking it will also remove your like and unfollow it.

To block a fan page:

  1. Go to the fan page you want to block
  2. Click the three dots below the fan page cover photo
  3. Select "Block Fan Page"
  4. Click "Confirm"

To unblock a fan page:

  1. Click on the icon in the upper right corner of Facebook, then select "Settings"
  2. Click "Blocking" in the left column
  3. In the "Blocked Fan Pages" section, click "Unblock" next to the fan page name

How to Report a Fan Page?

To report a fan page:

  1. Go to the fan page you want to report
  2. Click the icon below the fan page cover photo
  3. Select "Report Fan Page"
  4. Select the option that best describes the problem and follow the on-screen instructions

If you cannot access the fan page you want to report, you might consider asking a friend to report it.

We will review the fan page and remove content that does not comply with Facebook's community standards. We may also warn or disable the accounts of those involved.

Creating a Fan Page

How to Create a Fan Page?

A fan page helps businesses, brands, organizations, and public figures share updates and connect with users. Similar to a personal profile, you can customize the updates and activities on your fan page. Users who like or follow the fan page will receive updates from that page in their news feed.

To create a fan page:

  1. Go to
  2. Click to choose the category for your fan page
  3. Select a more specific category from the drop-down menu and fill in the required information
  4. Click "Get Started" and follow the on-screen instructions

Note: Anyone can create a fan page, but only authorized representatives can create Facebook fan pages for organizations, businesses, brands, or public figures.

Should I Create a Fan Page or Allow Users to Follow My Public Profile Updates?

If your goal is to establish a business, brand, or product presence on Facebook, then create a fan page. A fan page allows you to interact with Facebook users and provides tools to help you manage and track interactions.

If your goal is to share personal updates with more users, you can allow users to follow you. When you allow users to follow, anyone on Facebook (even if they are not friends) can follow you to see your public updates in their news feed.

You can have an unlimited number of followers, while you can follow up to 5,000 users yourself. Your personal account can have up to 5,000 friends.

Claiming a Fan Page or Converting a Personal Account

How to Claim an Unmanaged Fan Page?

Even if others in your business have not created a fan page, a fan page belonging to your business may already exist. For example, when someone checks in at a location that does not have a fan page, an unmanaged fan page will be created to represent that location.

If this fan page does not have an administrator, you will see "Unofficial Fan Page" below the cover photo. You can request to claim the fan page and become its administrator, and merge that fan page into the one you are already managing for your business.

Please note that you cannot claim fan pages that represent geographical locations (e.g., New York City, Ontario, Switzerland).

To claim or merge an unmanaged fan page:

  1. Click "Is this your company?" below the fan page cover photo
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions

Keep in mind that the system may ask you to provide information to verify your relationship with the company, such as the company phone number, company email, or documents.

How to Convert My Personal Account into a Facebook Fan Page?

You can convert your personal account into a fan page to create a new Facebook fan page using your personal account information. You can only convert your profile into a fan page once.

If you choose to convert your personal account into a fan page:

  • After conversion, you will have both a personal account and a fan page
  • We will transfer your profile picture and cover photo to the fan page
  • Your name on the personal account will become the name of the fan page
  • Within 14 days of the conversion, you can use the tools to transfer data from your personal profile to the fan page
  • Friends you selected from your personal profile will automatically like your new fan page, but posts from your personal profile cannot be transferred to the new fan page
  • You can manage the fan page through your personal account

To convert your personal account into a Facebook fan page:

  1. Go to the page to create a Facebook fan page based on your personal profile
  2. Click "Get Started" and follow the on-screen instructions

Why Convert My Personal Account into a Facebook Fan Page?

Using a personal account to represent something other than yourself (such as your business) violates Facebook's terms of service. If this account is not converted into a fan page, you may permanently lose access to it.

If you are using your personal profile to represent a business, converting the profile into a fan page has several benefits:

  1. Fan pages are tailored for businesses and organizations, with various features to help you connect with customers and achieve goals
  2. You can view insights for the fan page to see various metrics, such as post interactions and demographics like age and location of visitors
  3. Granting other users roles on the fan page will allow them to edit the page
  4. You can create ads and promote posts

Merging Fan Pages

Can I Merge Two Facebook Fan Pages?

If you have two Facebook fan pages representing the same entity and meet the following criteria, you can choose to merge the pages:

  • You are an administrator for both fan pages
  • The names of the fan pages are similar and represent the same entity
  • The fan pages represent actual locations and have the same address

To merge fan pages:

  1. Go to
  2. Select the two fan pages you want to merge and click "Continue"
  3. Click "Request Merge"

If you cannot merge the fan pages, it means your fan pages do not qualify for merging. If you see the option to request a merge, we will review your request.

If you can merge the fan pages, all likes and check-in records from the merging fan page will be combined, but posts, photos, comments, ratings, and usernames will be deleted. The fan page you want to keep will remain unchanged but will include the likes and check-in records from the other merged fan page. The fan page you do not wish to keep will be removed from Facebook, and the merge cannot be undone in the future.

Note: If your fan page is in the Business Manager, you can merge it at

Inviting Friends

How to Invite Friends to Like My Fan Page?

To invite friends to like your fan page:

  1. Click the icon below your fan page cover photo
  2. Select "Invite Friends"
  3. Click "Search All Friends" to select friends from the list, or enter a friend's name in the search box
  4. Click the "Invite" next to the friend's name you want to invite

After going to the invite tab, you can find the page invite.

Deleting or Unpublishing a Fan Page

How to Delete My Fan Page?

To delete your fan page, you must be the administrator of that page. If you are an administrator:

  1. Click "Settings" at the top of the fan page
  2. Click "Remove Page" in the General section
  3. Click "Delete [Your Page Name]"
  4. Click "Delete Page," then click "Confirm"

Please note that the fan page will be permanently deleted after 14 days, but you can unpublish it at any time.

To cancel the deletion of a fan page:

  1. Within the 14 days scheduled for deletion, go to your fan page
  2. Click "Cancel Deletion" at the top of the fan page
  3. Click "Confirm," then click "OK"

You can also delete your personal account.

Note: If the option to delete the fan page does not appear, you may not be the administrator. Learn how to check your role on the fan page.

How to Unpublish or Publish My Fan Page?

Everyone can see a published fan page. Unpublished fan pages can only be seen by the fan page administrators. If you set your Facebook fan page to unpublished, users (including those who liked the fan page) will not see that fan page; your fan page will not be public until you republish it. If you are an administrator, you can unpublish the fan page at any time.

To unpublish the fan page:

  1. Click "Settings" at the top of the fan page
  2. Click "Page Visibility" in the General section
  3. Click to select "Page Unpublished"
  4. Click "Save Changes"

To publish your fan page, please follow the above instructions, then click to select "Page Published."

Please note that newly created fan pages may be unpublished due to inactivity.


How to Change My Fan Page Name?

You must be an administrator to request a change to the fan page name.

To request a change to the fan page name:

  1. Click "About" on the left side of the fan page
  2. Click "Edit" next to the fan page name
  3. Enter the new fan page name, then click "Continue"
  4. Review your request, then click "Request Change"

If you do not see the option to edit the fan page name:

  • Your role in the fan page does not allow changing the page name. Learn how to check your role on the fan page.
  • You or other administrators have recently changed the page name.
  • This option may not be available in your region.
  • Your fan page may have certain restrictions.

Please note that changing the fan page name does not affect its username. Learn more about fan page name guidelines.

Note: You cannot change the name of a regional page under a global page.

What Types of Fan Page Names Does Facebook Allow?

The fan page name must accurately reflect the page itself. Please remember that only authorized representatives can manage fan pages for brands, landmarks, organizations, or public figures.

The fan page name must not include:

  • Words or phrases that are abusive or infringe upon the rights of others.
  • Inappropriate capitalization. If the fan page name is in English, it must use appropriate, grammatically correct capital letters, and must not use all capital letters except for abbreviations.
  • Symbols (e.g., ®) or unnecessary punctuation.
  • Overly long descriptions, such as a tagline. Fan page administrators can add this information to the "About" section of the page.
  • Any variation of the word "Facebook." For more information, please visit the Brand Resource Center.
  • Misleading terms. If the fan page is not the official fan page for a brand, location, organization, or public figure, then the fan page name must not mislead others into thinking it is an official fan page or managed by an authorized representative.

The fan page name must not consist solely of:

  • Generic terms (e.g., pizza). Only authorized representatives can manage fan pages on related topics.
  • Generic geographic locations (e.g., New York). However, you can create a fan page name that represents an organization related to the geographic location. For example, "New York City – Mayor's Office" and "Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain" are acceptable fan page names.


How to Create My Fan Page Username?

You must be an administrator to create or change the fan page username. The fan page username will appear below the page name and in the page's URL, making it easy for users to find and remember your fan page. For example, if the fan page name is Jasper's Market, the username could be "@JaspersMarket."

To create a fan page username:

  1. Click "Create Username" on the left side of the fan page
  2. Enter the username
  3. If the username is available, click "Create Username"

If the username you want to use is already taken or not approved, you will need to choose a different one. Please ensure that the username you create complies with our custom username policies.

Please note that you may not be able to create a username immediately after adding a new page, and if it remains inactive for a long time, its username may be removed.

How to Change My Fan Page Username?

You must be an administrator to change your fan page username. If you are an administrator:

  1. Click "About" on the left side of the fan page
  2. Click "Edit" next to your current fan page username
  3. Enter the new username
  4. If the username is available and complies with the custom username guidelines, click "Create Username"

What Are the Rules for Creating a Username?

When creating a custom username for a fan page or personal profile, please note the following:

  • A fan page or personal profile can only have one username, and it cannot use a username already in use by another user.
  • The username can only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) and periods ("."); it cannot include generic terms or domain extensions (e.g., .com, .net).
  • The username must be at least 5 characters long.
  • Do not use periods (".") and capitalization to distinguish different usernames. For example, johnsmith55, John.Smith55, and john.smith.55 are all considered the same username.
  • Your username must comply with Facebook's "Terms of Use (Rights and Responsibilities Declaration)."

Please note that you must be an administrator to create or change the fan page username. When creating a new fan page, you may not be able to create a username immediately, and if it remains inactive for a long time, the username may be removed.


How to Request a Gray Verification Badge for My Fan Page?

If you are an administrator and your fan page has set a profile picture and cover photo, your business's fan page may qualify for applying for a gray verification badge. To verify your fan page, you can use the publicly listed phone number or company documents (such as a phone bill). We will only use the information you provide to verify your fan page.

To verify your fan page:

  1. Click "Settings" at the top of the fan page
  2. Click "Page Verification" in the General section
  3. Click "Verify This Page," then click "Get Started"
  4. Enter the publicly listed phone number for your business, your country/region, and language
  5. Click "Call Me Now" to have Facebook call you and provide your verification code
  6. Enter the 4-digit verification code and click "Continue"

If you want to verify your page using company documents, please follow the above steps, click "Verify this Page using Documents" in the lower left corner of the window, and upload an official document photo containing the business name and address.

After we receive your verification code or company documents, we will review your information to confirm it matches public records and will send you a notification or email about your verification status within a few days. Please note that we do not require fan pages to be verified.

How to Request a Blue Verification Badge?

Users can know whether a fan page or personal profile related to public interest is authentic through the blue verification badge.

We grant the blue verification badge to qualified brands, media organizations, and public figures. We assess several factors to determine eligibility for the blue verification badge, such as whether the account information is complete, adheres to our policies, and meets public interest criteria.

Currently, the blue verification badge is not open for submission requests.

If your account does not have a blue verification badge, you can still let users know your account is authentic through other means. For example, you can link your official website, Instagram profile, or Twitter account to your Facebook profile or fan page.

If someone claims that the blue verification badge can be purchased, do not engage with them. We do not sell blue verification badges, and any account that participates in selling blue verification badges will have its badge removed. We also reserve the right to determine whether to remove the blue verification badge from an account.

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